Founding Editor in Chief: Jin Au Kong

Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Journals publish peer-reviewed original and comprehensive articles on all aspects of electromagnetic theory and applications. The on-line journal PIER (E-ISSN 1559-8985) was first published as a monograph series on Electromagnetic Waves (ISSN 1070-4698) in 1989. It is freely available to all readers via the Internet. PIER B (ISSN 1937-6472), PIER Letters (ISSN 1937-6480), PIER C (ISSN 1937-8718), and PIER M (ISSN 1937-8726) are new online accessed journals in 2008.

Manuscripts submitted to PIER Journals must not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy and originality of their articles, and all articles are understood to have received clearance(s) for publication. Authors found submitting manuscripts simultaneously to other journals will be suspended for a year from further submission. Authors found submitting plagiarized manuscripts will be banned for three years from further submssion.

All papers should be submitted to JEMWA/PIER Journals via On-Line Sumbission. Usually, succinct papers within 10 pages will be published on JEMWA or PIER Letter; papers with more than 16 pages will be published on PIER B; papers with 10-16 pages will be scheduled on PIER, PIER C, PIER M. However, papers in different topics, or with different pages can also be selected to different PIER Journals. Journals Editorial Board will make final decision to schedule accepted paper into specific journals based on considerations of topical relevance, page budget of the journals, review inputs, time constraint for publication, etc..

1. Page Limit and Overlength Page Charge:

The page limit is 10 pages for JEMWA, PIER Letters, 16 pages for PIER, PIER C, PIER M, and 30 pages for PIER B. The overlength page charge will be USD 75 per page for each journal. Authors are strongly suggested to pay attention to the page limit before submitting the manuscript.

2. On-Line Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted via On-Line Submission by following the instructions.

To expedite the process, the following files are required for all submissions:

3. Review Process and Proof Read Typeset Version

All manuscripts are peer reviewed by three independent referees. The Editorial Board prescreens all manuscripts to decide whether a manuscript will be peer-reviewed or declined out right without going through the review process. This is to preserve resources of available reviewers. Manuscripts declined up front can be due to poorly written English, contents being out of the scope of the journals, deficiencies in manuscript format, similarity to previous publications, previous decline or withdrawal, banned author due to asserted plagiarism, or that its subject matter is not of interest to PIER and JEMWA, which only publish well-presented contributions in electromagnetics.

To expedite the journal process, some manuscripts will be rejected after review process. Some manuscripts will be required to be revised. Some manuscripts will be typesetted before acceptance. You may be required to proofread it once the typeset version is available. If there is no revision needed for the typeset version, please take no action and do not submit a file without any revision mark.

Only review comments with constructive suggestions will be made public to the authors. If some comments appear online, please do not send revisions via email. Kindly wait for our email notice. The revision checklist will be available online when you are required to revise your manuscript.

Usually, the review process of JEMWA/PIER Journals takes 3-6 weeks. Some special cases need more time.

4. Revision Process

When enough review inputs are received, you may be required to improve your manuscript according to the review comments. A final decision of acceptance or rejection will be made after receiving and evaluating your revised version together with additional new review inputs.

To expedite the process, the following files are required in this revision stage:

Revisions are strongly suggested to be submitted via Online Checklist. An acknowledge email will be sent to the corresponding author immediately once the online revision checklist is successfully submitted. Email revision submission is NOT suggested due to unpredictable internet problem, and it will be also possibly delayed due to manual process.

5. Journal Selection and Final Proofread

After the revision process, the Editorial Board will recommend specific journal(s) to publish your paper, based on considerations of topical relevance, page budget of the journals, review inputs, time constraint for publication, etc.. If you would not like the suggested journal(s), you may choose to withdraw your manuscript and take it as a rejection notification. Any revision of reducing contents in this Final Proofread stage will not be acceptable.

You are required to download the PDF file to proof read, check to see if there are additional review reports, and fill in the checklist form in the "To Do" list within 30 hours. The manuscript will not be scheduled until it is approved by the author.

Once it is scheduled, no changes can be made to the paper. If we do not receive the response timely, paper may be withdrawn from our file.

6. Schedule Notice

Approved paper will be in the waiting list of schedule. Once it is scheduled, you will be informed as earlier as possible via email. Only JEMWA papers have printed version. Once paper is approved and scheduled, it can not be withdrawn.

It is possible to purchase a copy/copies of the issue in which your article is published. For 2009 the single issue price for the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications is EUR 179 / US$ 235 per copy. For combined issues (f.ex. issue 2-3) the price is double. Authors are entitled to a 35% discount on the single issue price. If you wish to order, please send an e-mail to (Ms Els van Egmond, Marketing Manger Journals, Brill/VSP) including following details: Volume / Issue(s), number of copies required, full shipping address.

Go to JEMWA Online Edition

Editor in Chief: Prof. Weng Cho CHEW
Faculty of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2859 2800
Fax: (852) 2546 9142