Founding Editor in Chief: Jin Au Kong

Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) publishes peer-reviewed original and comprehensive articles on all aspects of electromagnetic theory and applications. This on-line journal PIER (E-ISSN 1559-8985) was first published as a monograph series on Electromagnetic Waves (ISSN 1070-4698) in 1989. It is freely available to all readers via the Internet. Manuscripts submitted to PIER must not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their articles, and all articles are understood to have received clearance(s) for publication.

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Manuscripts must be in English and the following electronic files are required for all submissions:

Manuscripts can be submitted via On-Line Submission by following the Submission Guideline.

Editor in Chief: Prof. Weng Cho CHEW
Faculty of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2859 2800
Fax: (852) 2546 9142
PIER articles are indexed and abstracted in Thomson's Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports, and Current Contents, IEE's INSPEC, and Elsevier's SCOPUS and Compendex.

Editorial Board
Editor in Chief:  Weng Cho Chew
Deputy Editor in Chief:  Qing Huo Liu, Kwai-Man Luk
Editorial Board Members:

Matteo Albani
Steven Best
Anjan Biswas
Henning Braunisch
Che-Ting Chan
Kwok-Tong Chau
Hongsheng Chen
Zhi-Ning Chen
Dajun Cheng
Chung-Kwang Chou
Robert Collin
Tie-Jun Cui
Wen-Bin Dou
George Eleftheriades
Atef Z. Elsherbeni
Hyo-Joon Eom
Levent Gurel
Tarek Habashy
Susan Hagness
Roger Harrington
Randy L. Haupt
Bo He
Sai-Ling He
Akira Ishimaru

Koichi Ito
Shih-Kang Jeng
Jian-Ming Jin
Rafi Kastner
Che-Young Kim
Ahmed Kishk
Jay Kyoon Lee
Kai-Fong Lee
Kun-Chou Lee
Dominique Lesselier
Le-Wei Li
Hao Ling
Qing Huo Liu
Cai-Cheng Lu
Kwai-Man Luk
Samir F. Mahmoud
Seiji Mano
Mahta Moghaddam
Juan Mosig
Zai-Ping Nie
Alain Priou
Li-Xin Ran
Yahya Rahmat-Samii
Juan A. M. Rojas
Edward J. Rothwell
Tapan K. Sarkar
Edl Schamiloglu
Waymond Scott
Ari H. Sihvola
Ji-Ming Song
Johan C.-E. Sten
Mei-Song Tong
Sergei A. Tretyakov
Leung Tsang
Nikolaos K. Uzunoglu
John L. Volakis
Ping-Kong Wai
Karl Warnick
Dan Weile
Bae-Ian Wu
Ruey-Beei Wu
Ganquan Xie
Arthur D. Yaghjian
Alexander Yarovoy
Wen-Yan Yin
Ming Zhang
Wen-Xun Zhang
Yue-Ping Zhang

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