[EM Wave]



Who's Who in EM

Academy Sites

The  Electromagnetics  Academy is devoted to academic excellence and the advancement of research and relevant applications of the electromagnetic theory and to promoting educational objectives of the electromagnetics profession. Induction to Membership in the Academy is an honor in recognition of scholarly achievements and distinguished educational and professional services. The Academy currently has over 1,000 members active in electromagnetics research. The membership directory of the Academy is Who's  Who  in  Electromagnetics.

The Electromagnetics Academy (TEA) establishes sites at research organizations and at Institutions of high learning, referring to as ``The Electromagnetics Academy at Sit'', or ``TEA at Site'', where Site could be the name of the affiliated Institution, or the name of the geographical region. To establish a site, please refer to TEA Site Organization Agreement, send the signed agreement with a proposd plan by email to

Regular exchange of new developments and advancements in the profession will be made through international forums of publications and conferences. In the year 1989, the Academy co-sponsored the first Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) held in Boston, Massachusetts, 25-26 July. The Symposium was followed by an NSF workshop on future directions in electromagnetics research, also co-sponsored by the Academy. Subsequent PIERS have been held in various cities around the world, including Cambridge, Pasadena, Noordwijk, Seattle, Innsbruck, Hong Kong, Nante, Taipei, Osaka, Singapore, Honolulu, Pisa, Nanjing, Hangzhou, etc.

PIERS provides an international forum for reporting progress and advances in the modern development of electromagnetic theory and its new and exciting applications. The Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) is sponsored by The Electromagnetics Academy. PIERS provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the modern development of electromagnetic theory and its new and exciting applications.

PIERS 2006 in Cambridge  is accepting submission of summaries.

Please send all summaries and registrations to:
PIERS Office
c/o Prof. J. A. Kong
Room 26-305
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Fax: +1-617-258-8766
E-mail: and/or

TEA Sites

TEA at Zhejiang University, China
TEA at Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
TEA at City University, Hong Kong
TEA at South East University, China
TEA at Paris X University, France
TEA at Chuo University, Japan
TEA at University of Electronic Science and Technology, China

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