Jin Au Kong
President of The Electromagnetics Academy (1989-2008)

去年元夜时, 花市灯如昼;
月上柳梢头, 人约黄昏后.
今年元夜时, 月与灯依旧;
不见去年人, 泪满春衫袖.

Life is changed because of you. How can we be happy without you?
--- by PIERS and all his beloved

Tribute to Professor J. A. Kong
by Prof. Alain Priou, Chairman of The Electromagnetic Academy in French, in Memorial Service of PIERS2008 Hangzhou, March 26, 2008

Ladies, Gentlement, Dear Colleagues:
Professor J.A. Kong, one of the world's specialist in electromagnetic, is an exceptional outstanding person having a vision for electromagnetic education and researches. He was ready to do new and impressive works. It will be with a great emotion and a great respect to him, I will do this Memoriam Speech.
It is very difficult to sum up very quickly, the career J.A. Kong, which is entirely devoted to science both by the training who offered at MIT and at Zhejiang University and others universities and through research programs he has been able to promote and develop all across World. His life was so rich and so abundant.
I would like to recall our first meeting in 1987. I was senior engineer at National Office of Aerospace Research Center in France. I have a contract with the French General Directorate of Armament to make progress in the modeling of composite materials in electromagnetic. I have prepared a proposal and send it to Professor Kong in MIT as well as to other very good universities in United States. Very rapidly, Professor Kong send me a reply and offer to me to become a "Visiting Scientist" in his laboratory and to use the modeling software developed in MIT to simulate remote sensing media such as snow and ground
My first arrival in September 1987, was marked with fears of having to live for one year in an unknown world, having to adapt to a different lifestyle and the need for me to integrate a research team of great renown. I have appreciated the human qualities of Professor Kong, which immediately put me at ease by giving "white card" to organize my work and told me that his door would be, always, open for scientific or technical discussions and in case of problems. He asked a Swiss student to help me for searching a flat and for administrative procedures.
At this moment, the research group consisted about 40 members, a ten for the staff, was an international staff with Chinese, Egyptian, Finish and French scientists, members of Air Force and Lincoln Lab and about 30 students, half of whom American and the other half of Chinese either born in United States or native from China. We had working meetings on Tuesday and Thursday nights where students presented their research activities of the week or previous days for the entire staff. Let me remember the weeks before congress where all students with accepted papers repeated their presentation to perfection and full satisfaction of the members of the staff.
During these work meetings Professor Kong have raised the issue of revaluation of teaching and research in electromagnetic. During these "brain storming" meetings driven J.A. Kong we planned to put in place several mechanisms of action, representing the betting whose success were not guaranteed in 1987:
- The first focused on the creation of a symposium, which would be open to everyone, professors, teachers and master or PhD students. The main idea and the principle of J.A.Kong are that all researchers should be equal and that discrimination of belonging to small groups or small teams should not prevent these researchers to present their work under their own name. Thus was born the Symposium Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium. At the beginning of this symposium, it was decided to hold every two years, and then very fast, it was held twice a year in various countries. In 1998, we hosted the symposium PIERS in Nantes, France which I was the General Director (1250 papers and around 1000 participants). You know now it was a very strong idea for making easier the exchange between scientists and young students
- The second action was to create a Journal: JEMWA or Journal of Electromagnetic Waves Applications, journal opens for free to anyone except that the presented papers should be reviewed by an international expert group. Everyone was free to propose specific subjects. I participated as a guest editor for two special issues on composite materials and electromagnetic measuring techniques (1992) and on the bianisotropic and biisotropic media( 1995). Each of the papers presented by different authors were reviewed by a panel of 5 European and international experts and then, to be reviewed by the staff of CETA/MIT. The Journal is published every quarter a year and more depending on good proposals. The papers are available on the web with a pre-registration of small amounts.
- The third action relates to the creation of books. J.A.Kong was haunted by the disappearance of collections of MIT books in electromagnetic. In 1988, He suggested very early, to resume this collection and to set up a process with invited editors by fields to re-start this collection. He gave the name of Progress in Electromagnetic Research collection (PIER). In 2003, with the Professor T. Itoh of UCLA, we have prepared a special issue on the applications of electromagnetic materials and of Photonic Band Gap materials. This issue was published by EWT in January 2004, a book accessible through the web. The books of PIER appear at least twice a year.
- The final action proposed by J.A.Kong was to create world Academies of electromagnetic. The first was set up in Boston. It assumed the PIER Symposium, the JEWA journal, the PIER structure and the realization of the Who's Whos in electromagnetic. This databank, which was requested by J.A.Kong was needed to satisfy the idea to « connecting people to people », who he had repeatedly suggested. A French Academy of Electromagnetic was created in 1994 for organizing and supporting PIERS 1998.
In 2003, J.A.Kong founded the Electromagnetic Academy of the University of Zhejiang in China. This academy is aimed at teaching, research on every aspect of electromagnetic from theory to new emerging applications. This Academy is dedicated to the development and training of new generations of scientists and engineers in electromagnetic and the establishment of multidisciplinary interactions and collaborations between scientists in the field worldwide. It drew an international participation of scientists with worldwide reputations which has allowed to establish a panel of professors associated with a high value. J.A.Kong creates, also, a research group in the Electromagnetic Academy of the University, Research group that comes to shine very recently by publishing papers on experimental meta-materials, the papers are noticed and authoritative. J. A. Kong was giving rise to the setting up of national Chinese research programs in simulation and experimentation of metamaterials.
Since 1989 as Editor-in-Chief of PIER Series, JEMWA Journal, he was issued more than 50 000 pages of international journals, book chapters and papers conferences or invited seminars and led over 200 issues of the JEMWA journal ( an issue a month). In nearly 20 years, 51 books in the collection PIER are published on the web.
J.A. Kong has successfully made the terrible gamble in 1987-1988 to the development of electromagnetic and applications available to all scientists worldwide while preserving the high quality of scientific works published. He has been able to develop exchanges between countries and researchers. He has been able to promote the equality of all in research. If I would copy its students of 1987, I would say he is "King" Kong. He was one of our "Pairs" or "PEER" person. Our university was very honoured to receive him and give him the prestigious title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Paris 10 in October 2006. I was personally very pleased that J. A. Kong was the first holder of that distinction in Physics of the multidisciplinary Paris 10 University. He received, also, the Doctor Honoris Causa degree of the University of Nantes in 2006, presented by Professor Joseph Saillard.
20 years after, all the idea proposed by J.A.Kong was a complete success. It contributes, strongly, to the development of teaching and research in electromagnetic in the world. It is this vision that will miss us now. We have lost a visionary and an outstanding scientist, we have lost a great man and I have lost my best friend.
We must continue the works of J.A.Kong for the future. I will encourage a group taking care of PIER Symposium, PIER and JEMWA publications, the publications on line, the development of the Electromagnetic Academies and why not the creation of a foundation to preserve and continue his mission.

Tribute to Professor J. A. Kong
by Prof. Weng Cho Chew, in Memorial Service of PIERS2008 Hangzhou, March 26, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and Friends:
Professor Kong's sudden departure both shocked and saddened us. I was looking forward to seeing him at PIERS 2008 in Hangzhou and alas…
I have known Professor Kong ever since I was a freshman at MIT in 1973. He was also my Freshman Advisor at MIT. Being new to a foreign culture and a foreign country, Professor Kong was the kindest and the most approachable professor I knew. He was also helpful and inspiring in to his undergraduate advisee.
It was a well known fact among MIT students that he was a marvelous teacher. He taught us what it meant to be a good classroom teacher. For those of us who become teachers in our career, we try our best to emulate him in our teaching...
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Tribute to Professor J. A. Kong
by Prof. Ari Sihvola, in Memorial Service of PIERS2008 Hangzhou, March 26, 2008

Spacetime exists, Spring Comes, Sun Shines Hangzhou
It was West Lake with whom you fell in love
We too. But how can we protect the loved one?
With clouds? Wave fronts distort, the fields decay.

Your no-show at this conference
leaves everyone without say.
Professor Kong,
why did you do this thing to us?

But lucky those who absorbed the radiation.
May it reflect from them and retransmit!
And at the same time keep what was emitted.
Transform to something greater, yours, and theirs!

Unpredictable is life, so wonderful and long
Beyong life goes electromagnetics, yes, it lives longer.
Yet we feel the blue attenuation
For wind blows cold and bitter in New England.

Farewell, Prof. Kong
by Dr. C-K Chou, Motorola in Florida in Memorial Service of PIERS2008 Hangzhou, March 26, 2008

I am C-K. Chou, work for Motorola in Florida. Same as Prof. Kong, I am also from Nanjing. He loved Shanghai style steamed dumplings. I liked that too. He graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Taiwan University in Taipei, me too but six years later.
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My memory of Prof. J. A. Kong
by Professor Min Chen, Physics Department, MIT

It so happened that on January 20, 2008, I wrote a newspaper article on "how a devoted scholar returns more to his society than what he receives from the society in a way which can be perceived as a leaf falls in the autumn, protects its roots in the cold winter and nourishes the tree in the spring mud." As a good example, I cited Prof. J. A. Kong, who teaches and runs large research projects, not only at MIT, but also at many other institutes including Zhei-Jiang Univ. and Beijing Jiaotong Univ.
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by Dr. Hongsheng Chen, Professor Jin Au Kong's first PhD student in ZJU.

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作者:limy_opt 2008-3-16

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作者: alicelucyxx
浙江大学缥缈水云间bbs EM版

我永远也不会忘记2008年3月14日早晨,被师兄叫到办公室,他对我说的第一句话 “孔老师去世了”。啊--当时我情不自禁地大叫了一声,以为自己听错了,五雷轰顶, 真如晴天霹雳一般。等到缓过神来,看到网站上正式发出的消息,以及BBS上消息满天 飞的时候,我才明白:我的导师,孔金瓯教授,真的再也不能见您一面,再也听不到 您那风趣幽默又生动的讲话了。
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作者: albert
浙江大学缥缈水云间bbs EM版


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浙江大学缥缈水云间bbs EM版

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浙江大学缥缈水云间bbs ISEE版

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近日突然闻到噩耗, 孔金瓯老师在本月去世了, 原因是肺炎. 我突然心理感到很大的哀痛. 孔老师作为电磁学领域的泰斗学者, 他的人格深深地影响了我们, 也指导帮助了我们很多.
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MIT EECS Announcement 和我的怀念
作者: bychance

一代宗师悄然逝去,孔教授早已把自己的生命融入进那美妙的电磁世界,融入进那浩瀚奥妙的宇宙,所以他应该是安祥地走的。 学生们不会忘记他矍铄的眼神,矫健的步伐,对宇宙之规律的赞叹、欣赏和求索,以及那充满教学艺术、彰显科学之美的板书...
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Contact PIERS OFFICE: piers@ewt.mit.edu and/or tpc@piers.org